New what?


Happy New Year! I hope that 2023 has been good so far!

I've had a full week back at work and the children are back at school. If I am really honest, having the routine back (as much as it is hard work) is feeling really good. 

This week, I have been thinking about New Years resolutions and what to focus on that is important to me. I would like to set ten resolutions and achieve all of them, but in reality that may not be a possibility. My thoughts have landed at a point where I believe that resolutions are more about growth than just ticking a box in your journal. To make a commitment to yourself to grow and develop.

I have committed this year to:

  • Grow my content for my blog 
  • Improve my discipline to maintain my fitness
  • Improve my discipline to read more books (even 5 pages a day)
  • Grow and learn new skills to stay current in my business
  • To be grateful and practice gratitude
The last point of gratitude is a very important one. We can always be looking for more without realising what we currently have! My aims for this year seem very tame, however if I can achieve these by the end of the year, I will feel stronger than I did at the end of 2022. 

What are your New Year resolutions if you plan to set them? For inspiration, the following are the 8 top popular resolutions as documented in Fatherly

Exercise more (52% of respondents)
Eat healthier (50%)
Lose weight (40%)
Save more money (39%)
Spend more time with family and friends (37%)
Spend less time on social media (20%)
Reduce stress on the job (19%)
Reduce spending on living expenses (19%)

I feel that I would like to do all of them, but what would you choose? Or do you have some different ideas to share?

Whatever your plans for 2023, I wish you a happy and healthy year. Keep an eye out on my profiles and blog to see how I am progressing at maintaining my resolutions!

My Insta is @claritycopy and my Twitter is @claritycopy 

Bye for now, thanks Ally x


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